Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Its happening

Welp. Here it blog. And I asked myself..."Kyle? (I call myself Kyle.) Why have you come into the blogging world?" My reasons are threefold. Behold:

1a. I figure since it is way too hard to write in a journal, this will be a good way to keep track of my life and shenanagins...and such I am such a fabulous typer (Ms. Miles 7th grade typing class anyone?) I can get it DONE like it aint no thang.

2b. Its always enjoyable to read what you wrote years things that were such a huge deal to you then don't even matter anymore. So I am doing this with the intention of being able look back and laugh at my foolish ways. Perhaps even see how I've grown as a homo sapien on this great journey I like to call life. Who knows.

3c. There have been rumors of a or (not sure Memz knows quite what she's talking about...) where you can turn your blog into some sort of book? Which is a very intriguing concept to me. And I says I would like something like that. Something real and physical that I could hide in my special drawer. Hopefully its not all a lie.

So there you go.

I dare you to drink this beet juice. -memz


Sarah said...

you just refered to yourself as a homo sapien. and that is why we are friends.