Saturday, October 24, 2009

Don Carlos

Today marks the end of a very special week, for it was a week that Carlos illuminated our lives with the love that only a furry little friend can offer. Carlos is some sort of unknown breed of dog with more hair than all of my roommates combined, only one functioning ear, and a talent for throwing his body at random strangers using only his hind legs. Aunt Brenda allowed us to "borrow" him for a few days and the time we spent together was satisfying and good. He received many late night walks, made a plethora of new friends and was always there to greet you when you came home from a long hard day. Upon first meeting him, Memz immediately dubbed him Don Carlos, which was later confused by Rob for Don Juan which made for lots of laughs. We took him to Cory and Cody's for dinner (and those chicken presents were so insanely good I scarfed down two and tried to make it seem like I only ate one so Memz would split the last one with me...but she clearly knows me too well...) it came to my attention that Cody hates dogs, which I didn't even know was truly possible. I can understand not liking large wild beasts such as Ghandi-Steve, but good heavens not Don Carlos. Just watch the video and you will know.

In other current happenings, I got to go on a hawt date with Aunt Brenda and Uncle Bill, where activities included shopping and the purchase of a fabulous pair of brown suede boots, an outrageously delicious sushi dinner and the movie Julie and Julia. To top it off we did market research for Bill's latest endeavor of opening a frozen yogurt shop...basically I just ate it and gave him my professional opinion. SPEAKING of frozen is a world of utter delight that I never even knew existed!! It all started when me and Memz went on that double date to Spoon Me with Tuttle and Adam. The whole time I thought when people said frozen yogurt they were referring to that soft serve stuff you get at McDonald's and I didn't understand the appeal. Anyway, I am ecstatic about this new discovery. It's light and refreshing, phenomenal texture...speaking of phenomenal one time Tyler and Zac counted the number of times Vince Vaughn says phenomenal in Wedding Crashers and its something like 67. And speaking of Vince, I met him one time at Borders. I was studying in one of them cushy chairs, he was scoping out the children's section...and he totally wanted me.

Somehow I just got from Don Carlos to Vince Vaughn...but such is the randomness of my life.

One last thing I have to say is that "Life is full of tiny precious moments. That text from my dad...that bag of M&M's...they're just everywhere. And I will cherish them." -Wise words from the one I call Poo. She never fails to supply me with fantastic quotes...which reminds me that one of these days I am going to make individual posts for each of my friends, slash anyone significant in my life because I feel like I know so many great people and I just want to put down in writing what they're all about, what they mean to me etc. I just want to shout it out on the rooftops I love my best friend Evan!!


Emily Brooke said...

now I understand what you meant when you said "this is a stream of consciousness blog". I miss Don.

Sarah said...

ohhh carlos (in my know which one)