First I'd like to make a lil shout out to the one and only Sarah Anne Campbell, for on this day some 22 years ago she was birthed. So, to praise her, I've decided to upload as many awesome or embarassing photos as I could possibly find. Happy Birthday Sac.

Next, I would like to recount the tale of my holiday merriment.
On Sunday I told my "friend" I didn't want to see him anymore which I won't actually explain in detail, just know that it was hard and emotionally taxing.
On Monday I lucked out on an invite to...get this----THE most expensive movie of all time. That's right folks-AVATAR! Andrew has seen it twice by now and is already calculating the appropriate amount of time until he can see it again. Let me just say that I had no idea what I was in for...but it turned out to be "some sort of awesome combination of fern gully and star wars". We continue to make references to this movie such as spirit jellies landing on your nose, eywa hearing, braids connecting, the sky people, and the eternally famous line "i see you". I was skeptical at first, but I was promised a roller coaster of emotion and that is exactly what i got. It was an unreal experience.
Later that night I stopped by my apartment to grab my christmas gifts for my fam to give to liz who was flying back to phx the next morning. Because why pay for shipping when you have great friends who can provide door to door service? Anyway I ran upstairs, changed into my pj's, grabbed the gifts, and came back car. Confusion struck me as I tried to process the neuronal signals that my retinas were transducting to my brain. But it was true- That. Just. Happened. My car had been towed in a matter of minutes because I parked right at the staircase instead of going underground. Keep in mind all of the fools who got to go home for christmas left their cars in the good spots so ppl like me had to go underground and I just didn't wanna deal with it when I was just running upstairs to perform one small simple task. My mistake indeed. I called Andrew nearly in tears and we went to the towing place to pick up my car which cost me 150 dollars-an outRAGEous amount-especially 3 days before christmas. I was telling him about how my week had started out kinda rough, but he assured me that my bad luck had run out at this point and it couldn't get any worse. False.
At this point it like 130 in the morning and I go to Liz's to deliver the gifts. I was fuming. We just stayed up talking until I couldn't keep my eyes open. And when I say "we talked" it was more like I talked and she listened. Which was very considerate of her to be my moral support that night because she had to leave for her flight at 430 in the morning and I definitely kept her up till at least 3 and then we fell asleep.
Tuesday- I wake up alone. Which i hate, but it happens that way pretty much every morning so I guess I should get used to it. So I leave Liz's to go back to my apartment and I make a decision. I decided in that moment that I was going to make it a great day-starting off with a lovely breakfast. I poured myself a delicious bowl of cereal and even cut up a peach and put it in there. I headed toward fridge to retrieve the crisp, cold 2% milk that i love so dearly only to milk. NO MILK! Do you even know what kind of effect this had on my emotional well-being?? No bueno. I didn't even know what was worse- getting towed the night before or pouring a bowl of cereal only to discover no milk. And let me be clear that this lack of milk was not due to lack of planning on my part. My roommate had a cleaning party with her family the night before because she was moving out. This is the only logical attribution as to why all 4 gallons of milk were mysteriously vanished...i guess they just forgot that lil ol' linx was still living at the place and didn't want the milk to rot while everyone was on break. Once again, I came so close to tears, but then realized that crying over milk was probably inappropriate. I went for toast as the next best option, but oh wait the toaster was gone as well.
Wednesday- I went to work, which turned out to be fine, and then headed straight from work to Thanksgiving point to meet up with a friend who was taking me snowmobiling. We stopped at this sandwich place and both ordered the largest thing on the menu, which was called the gargantuan and had maybe every kind of meat known to man. I ate the whole thing and he was surprised by my food skills. So snowmobiling turned out to be a highly enjoyable activity. It was a beautiful clear afternoon and I had never been before. The snow was knee deep and fluffier than I ever thought possible. It was the epitome of a winter wonderland and totally got me in the warm fuzzy christmas spirit. After a long day the sun was starting to set so we headed back to my car and parted ways.
Driving home I was listening to (of course) Chris Brown and thinking hey-this isn't so bad. It had felt so nice to get outside in the fresh mountain air and I was starting to think about how at this time the very next day I would be at Aunt Martha's kitchen table eating Christmas Eve dinner with the whole family! I was just 5 minutes from home on University Parkway and traffic was a little crazy. I must have still been thinking about all the good food Martha was going to make because all of a sudden I had to slam on my brakes to avoid hitting the car in front of me. We had to have been backed up at least 20 cars from the light because I couldn't even see it from where I was stopped. I had this huge adrenaline rush and was thinking how I need to snap out of it and pay closer attention when before I could even comprehend what was happening my body was thrown back against my seat and my car was crushed with the loudest most painful sounding screech and crack I have ever heard. Everything was a blur and i was so disoriented it took me a while to wrap my brain around what had just happened. First thing I noticed was that I was now laying down. My chair had snapped back and was somehow twisted like a corkscrew to the right. I tried to sit it up so that I could pull my car off of the road but it was broken. So I just had to hold my body upright which was eerily hard to do and it started to dawn on me that my neck and back actually hurt pretty bad. I looked down and discovered that the stereo and air conditioning unit had flown out of the dash and was now sitting on the passenger seat with wires hanging out every which way. Everyone had cleared a path for me (please sir, step aside) and I slowly chugged along to the nearest parking lot. After so much suspense and not knowing I finally exited the vehicle only to find that the people that hit me were in none other than an excursion (oh, the irony) and that the whole back of my car was totally crunched. They hit me way harder than i thought. I examined the nearly detached bumper to see how it was possibly still hanging on and as my fingers lightly grazed the silver metal the whole thing just plopped to the ground with a loud clunk.
I lost it.
I mean i had been gently crying ever since Chris Brown died, but now I was drowning in tears. The kind of tears where you make all sorts of weird noises because you can't breathe. I couldn't think, I could hardly speak in complete sentences-my thoughts raced by so fast that I couldn't ever get my hands on any single one of them. Which made for awesomely awkward interactions with the police officer and the man who hit me...but I don't think they judged me for it.
It happened. So. Fast. Before I knew it I was at the hospital in a neck brace getting asked all kinds of questions that I didn't have the mental capacity to answer. Like on a scale of 1-10 how bad is the pain. What?..I don't know!? Leave me alone! I just wanted everyone to go away and let me sleep. I closed my eyes and answered a 6. As I opened them again Andrew and Lara were standing in the doorway all dressed up in their Sunday best. They looked so handsome and beautiful, but it was the looks on their faces that I will never forget. Their expressions were totally different and it made me laugh a little inside because I knew they meant the exact same thing. It was so good to see people I knew.
Lara fed me cookies and rubbed my leg-not in an inappropriate way-and it made me feel better. I made Andrew move because my stupid neck brace so severely limited my range of motion that I couldn't see him when he sat right next to me. I even got to meet the littlest Zenger, Hanna! Side note-I felt SO gross and uncomfortable and just wanted a shower. Not only because I was half reclined in a stiff hospital bed with the neck brace that only let me look straight ahead at the tiger painted on the wall by a 10 yr old, but because I had at least 12 layers of clothing on from snowmobiling. So hot. I was already sweaty and flustered from the anxiety of it all that the extra clothing made me feel like my skin was burning. Lara was sweet tho and kept saying how good I looked which helped me feel not so embarassed. I had some x-rays done, got some drugs, yada yada and I couldn't wait to get out of there.

What happens next is a hazy mishmash of escapades around town. We went to Walgreens to get my drugs but I didn't have my ID because I had lost my wallet the day before (which im sure was way sketchy to the cop because I was driving without a lisence in an only temporarily registered car and I also didn't have the insurance card in the glove box. Fiasco.) and Lara had ALSO lost her wallet! (We have much more in common than I though) And Hanna is only 14 so she doesn't even have one! All this poor man needed was for ONE of us girls to have some sort of valid identification to prove that we weren't illegal aliens trying to sell prescription pain pills on the black market-and all three of us were empty handed. What are the odds. So we had to go to Express to pick up my wallet and then come back and I don't even remember any of it except that it happened. At some point I went home and packed some things and we stopped at my car to get everything out since it would be sitting in this parking lot for the next few days.

Then we drove up to the Zenger's grandparent's house in Midway. I had my eyes closed the whole way and my hand on my chest trying to keep it together and every once in a while Andy would look over and be like....uh...what's goin on over there? I'm pretty sure I was scaring him. After what seemed like the longest windiest drive of all time we finally arrived. Success.
There was some late night pajama talk at the kitchen table and it made me so happy to be around their family not only because they took such good care of me but also I just loved way they interacted with each other. It made me miss my crazy fam. I had my own bedroom upstairs and after soup and a priesthood blessing the only thing I needed was sleep. When I woke up at 830 and looked in the bathroom mirror there was a swollen asian staring back at me. I knew I had to take care of the situation before the others woke up to avoid eternal embarassment, so I stealthily crept downstairs only to find, to my horror, Grandpa Jack munchin on a bowl of cereal at the kitchen table. Great...this man has no idea who I am or why I'm emerging from his upstairs bedroom in a neckbrace and pajamas. My voice was a little rough but he sweetly held both my hands at chest level and looked into my eyes as if he was staring into the depths of my soul throughout the whole explanation. I sat with him for a while with a glass of gingerale and a bag of frozen chopped spinach pressed against my face. He suggested I go and take a nice hot jet bath in their room but it wasn't till GH came downstairs and insisted that I decided to actually take them up on the offer. So I soaked in a strawberries and champagne bubble bath and then crawled back into bed before anyone even woke up. Next thing i know its like 1 in the afternoon, everyone has already left and Andrew's peekin through my door trying to see if I'm awake so we can leave.
On the twisty curvy drive back to Provo we had a vomit scare. Picture this, I'm hunched over the side of the road when I catch a glimpse of my surroundings and can't help but exclaim, "It's so beautiful up here!" Andrew chuckled but really all my girls know that I can find beauty in anything, including or maybe even especially when the timing is highly inappropriate. When we got back to my apartment I had some soup and then I was handed off to Aunt Virginia for the drive up to Salt Lake. The vomit scare wasn't a scare this time and all my soup ended up in some unfortunate person's front yard. Once we arrived at Aunt Martha's I immediately descended into the basement and passed out. People came in and out every once in a while and while I know I interacted with them, its all a blur. Because I had foolishly left my phone at my apartment I never knew what time it was, and I couldn't even base any judgements on how bright it was outside because I was in the cave.
I finally dragged myself upstairs when I heard everyone leaving because I felt bad for having missed the entire dinner. I couldn't keep my eyes open but I still wanted to be with everyone and at least listen to their conversation though I was not participating. So there I was, sitting upright with my eyes closed at the kitchen table, lookin fly. The next day Cole and Alyson brought their two puppies and Whitney and Joe brought their two babies and we opened presents. Mom had sent me Christmas pajamas and my gifts to open with the others and I felt a million times better after having slept for I don't even know how long. The best part of Christmas was watching Johanna rip open all her presents, most of which were Princess Tiana toys and apparel, while Kippie remained cool and composed opening his boy toys.
this is the longest post in the history of the world. thanks for embarassing methough. you are such a good friend.
First of all, I didn't even know this blog existed but I am sure glad it does. that was a horrible/cool story and i hope you are doing mucho better now! looks like we were both going through a rough time at the same time!
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